The Autonomous Car Movement

Nicholas Jaeger
1 min readJun 28, 2021

Throughout the past few days I have been watching and reading many things about autonomous cars. Things I have learned from my reading include stats about accidents and the type of accidents that autonomous cars have gotten into. I learned some huge benefits from being able to move into an era of only autonomous cars and what kinds of things are going to change for the better. I also saw videos on AI and what it is exactly and learned things about how the AI could go wrong and also how it could go right. After these discoveries the things that stuck out from the things I read are the speed at which our country takes on new technology and fully embraces it. Other things came from the TedxCollege Park video that tells us how rapidly we could make prices of living cheaper and cheaper by limiting parking spaces around building (TedxCollege Park 2018). This really shocked me from reading it. I now after viewing the videos presented really do believe in the movement for autonomous cars. The pros of the idea outweigh the cons in my opinion when it comes to these cars where as before I didn’t really know if I was for or against this. I really love driving but I think the faster we move to the system the faster we save lives from the advancements and the faster we start to save money to delegate toward other things rather then building parking structures.

